Results for 'Sally Percival Wood'

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  1. Information imperialism, or Sir Rupert in the sky with die minds.Purushottama Bilimoria & Sally Percival Wood - 2010 - In Henk Oosterling & Ewa Płonowska Ziarek, Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
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  2. Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics.Hugh J. Silverman, Louise Burchill, Jean-Luc Nancy, Laurens ten Kate, Luce Irigaray, Elaine P. Miller, George Smith, Peter Schwenger, Bernadette Wegenstein, Rosi Braidotti, Rosalyn Diprose, Dorota Glowacka, Heinz Kimmerle, Purushottama Bilimoria, Sally Percival Wood & Slavoj Z.¡ iz¡ek (eds.) - 2010 - Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
    As an alternative to universalism and particularism, Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics proposes "intermedialities" as a new model of social relations and intercultural dialogue. The concept of "intermedialities" stresses the necessity of situating debates concerning social relations in the divergent contexts of new media and avant-garde artistic practices as well as feminist, political, and philosophical analyses.
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    Begehren / Desire.Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts (eds.) - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    Der 13. Band des Internationalen Jahrbuchs für deutschen Idenalismus widmet sich dem Thema,Begehren‘. Von Alix Cohen und Paul Guyer wird in verschiedener Weise herausgearbeitet, dass Begehren bei Kant einen wichtigen Beitrag zur moralischen Handlung leistet. Federica Basaglia behandelt die Frage, welche Rolle das Begehrungsvermögen für Kants Thesen dazu spielt, was der moralische Status von Tieren ist. Andreas Schmidt und Allen Wood beschäftigen sich in ihren Beiträgen mit Begehren bei Fichte. Christoph Halbig widmet sich der Frage, auf welche Weise Hegel (...)
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    Derrida: a critical reader.David Wood (ed.) - 1992 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    Jacques Derrida's prolific output has been the delight of philosophers and literary theorists for over twenty years. His influence on the way we read theoretical texts continues to be profound. No serious contemporary thinker can fail to come to terms with deconstruction and there have been a number of monographs devoted to his work. Very few, however, have combined a critical edge with a detailed knowledge of his writing. The contributors to this volume were each asked - in the most (...)
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    Comment: Beyond "Evolutionary versus Social": Moving the Cycle Shift Debate Forward.Gillian R. Brown, Catharine P. Cross, Sally E. Street & Charlotte O. Brand - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (3):250-251.
    Wood, Kressel, Joshi, and Louie thoroughly evaluate the evidence for menstrual cycle shifts in ratings of several male characteristics and conclude that their analyses fail to provide supportive evidence for consistent cycle effects. The topic of menstrual cycle shifts in mate preferences has been strongly debated, with disagreements over both scientific content and practice. Here, we attempt to take a step back from these acrimonious exchanges and focus instead on how to interpret menstrual cycle shifts in mate preference tasks, (...)
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  6. Intellectual virtues: An essay in regulative epistemology * by R. C. Roberts and W. J. wood.R. Roberts & W. Wood - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):181-182.
    Since the publication of Edmund Gettier's challenge to the traditional epistemological doctrine of knowledge as justified true belief, Roberts and Wood claim that epistemologists lapsed into despondency and are currently open to novel approaches. One such approach is virtue epistemology, which can be divided into virtues as proper functions or epistemic character traits. The authors propose a notion of regulative epistemology, as opposed to a strict analytic epistemology, based on intellectual virtues that function not as rules or even as (...)
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  7. I—Culture and Critique.Sally Haslanger - 2017 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 91 (1):149-173.
    How do we achieve social justice? How do we change society for the better? Some would argue that we must do it by changing the laws or state institutions. Others that we must do it by changing individual attitudes. I argue that although both of these factors are important and relevant, we must also change culture. What does this mean? Culture, I argue, is a set of social meanings that shapes and filters how we think and act. Problematic networks of (...)
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    Kant and Religion.Allen W. Wood - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This masterful work on Kant's Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason explores Kant's treatment of the Idea of God, his views concerning evil, and the moral grounds for faith in God. Kant and Religion works to deepen our understanding of religion's place and meaning within the history of human culture, touching on Kant's philosophical stance regarding theoretical, moral, political, and religious matters. Wood's breadth of knowledge of Kant's corpus, philosophical sharpness, and depth of reflection sheds light not only (...)
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  9. Creating the Kingdom of Ends.Allen W. Wood - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (4):607.
    This book follows hard upon Korsgaard's The Sources of Normativity. Both present the author's influential version of a Kantian theory of normative ethics and metaethics. Whereas The Sources of Normativity was a systematic investigation of "normativity" written as a single unit, the present volume is a collection of previously published papers, some of them already well known and much discussed, dating between 1983 and 1993. By the nature of the case, one might expect less thematic unity in this book than (...)
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  10. (1 other version)IAllen W. Wood.Allen W. Wood - 1998 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 72 (1):189-210.
    Kant's moral philosophy is grounded on the dignity of humanity as its sole fundamental value, and involves the claim that human beings are to be regarded as the ultimate end of nature. It might be thought that a theory of this kind would be incapable of grounding any conception of our relation to other living things or to the natural world which would value nonhuman creatures or respect humanity's natural environment. This paper criticizes Kant's argumentative strategy for dealing with our (...)
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  11. Cochrane Review as a “Warranting Device” for Reasoning About Health.Sally Jackson & Jodi Schneider - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (2):241-272.
    Contemporary reasoning about health is infused with the work products of experts, and expert reasoning about health itself is an active site for invention and design. Building on Toulmin’s largely undeveloped ideas on field-dependence, we argue that expert fields can develop new inference rules that, together with the backing they require, become accepted ways of drawing and defending conclusions. The new inference rules themselves function as warrants, and we introduce the term “warranting device” to refer to an assembly of the (...)
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    Introducing Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Paul Guyer & Allen Wood - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element surveys the place of the Critique of Pure Reason in Kant's overall philosophical project and describes and analyzes the main arguments of the work. It also surveys the developments in Kant's thought that led to the first critique, and provides an account of the genesis of the book during the 'silent decade' of its composition in the 1770s based on Kant's handwritten notes from the period.
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  13. Investigating the influence of mentalising in the Prisoner's dilemma: introspective evidence from a study of individuals with autism.E. L. Hill, D. Sally & U. Frith - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies:11--144.
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  14. On the cognitive link between space and number: A meta-analysis of the SNARC effect.Guilherme Wood, Klaus Willmes, Hans-Christoph Nuerk & Martin Fischer - 2008 - Psychology Science Quarterly 50 (4):489–525.
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  15. Empire of Capital.Ellen Meiksins Wood - 2005 - Science and Society 69 (4):645-648.
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    (1 other version)Implementing the ethos of corporate codes of ethics: Australia, Canada, and Sweden.Greg Wood, Göran Svensson, Jang Singh, Emily Carasco & Michael Callaghan - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (4):389-403.
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    Isn't it high time we talked openly about racism?Sally Thorne - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (4):e12219.
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  18. Woman the gatherer: male bias in anthropology.Sally Slocum - 1975 - In Rayna R. Reiter, Toward an Anthropology of Women. New York: Monthly Review Press. pp. 49.
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    What constitutes core disciplinary knowledge?Sally Thorne - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (1):1-2.
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  20. Therapeutics of the Blue Flower: On Dietrich von Engelhardt’s Medizin in Romantik und Idealismus.David W. Wood - 2024 - Symphilosophie: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism 6:371-383.
    This is a review essay in English of Dietrich von Engelhardt’s new 2,000-page, four-volume project: 'Medizin in Romantik und Idealismus: Gesundheit und Krankheit in Leib und Seele, Natur und Kultur' (Medicine in Romanticism and Idealism: Health and Illness in Body and Soul, Nature and Culture). (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 2023), 4 Vols., LII + 1964 pp.
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    Aptitude testing is not an engine for equalising educational opportunity.Robert Wood - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (1):26-37.
    A recent article on education in China succeeded in giving a fresh tweak to the arguments concerning whether aptitude or achievement testing is more likely to promote equality of educational opportunity. In ‘The Diploma Disease’ Ronald Dore expounded the view that aptitude testing is to be preferred for selection purposes on the grounds that it gives more weight to ‘innate potential’ (his term) than does achievement testing which produces results more affected by quality of schooling, an influence which is all (...)
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    Causality and Demonstration.Rega Wood & Robert Andrews - 1996 - The Monist 79 (3):325-356.
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    1 Duns Scotus on Metaphysics as the Science of First Entity.Rega Wood - 2013 - In Charles Bolyard & Rondo Keele, Later Medieval Metaphysics: Ontology, Language, and Logic. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 9-29.
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    John Pagus on Aristotle’s Categories: A Study and Edition of the Rationes super Praedicamenta Aristotelis by Heine Hansen.Rega Wood - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):167-168.
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    STS and Social Inequality: Editor's Introduction.Christine V. Wood & Simon N. Williams - 2016 - Spontaneous Generations 8 (1):1-2.
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    Some Whiteheadian Insights into the Problem of Evil.Forrest Wood - 1979 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):147-155.
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    This is ICSU: The role of the International Union of Biochemistry (IUB).Harland G. Wood - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (1):42-44.
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    The Interpretation of the Bible.James D. Wood - 1958 - London: Duckworth.
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    The Law of God.Adam Wood - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (3):406-408.
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  30. When personalism met planning : Jacques Maritain and a British Christian intellectual circle, 1937 - 1949.John Carter Wood - 2018 - In Rajesh Heynickx & Stéphane Symons, So What's New About Scholasticism?: How Neo-Thomism Helped Shape the Twentieth Century. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  31. The Pristine Culture of Capitalism: A Historical Essay on Old Regimes and Modern States.Ellen Meiksins Wood - 1993 - Science and Society 57 (4):481-484.
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    A smoothness constraint on the development of object recognition.Justin N. Wood - 2016 - Cognition 153 (C):140-145.
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  33. Introduction: Poetics of Resistance.Cornelia Gräbner & David Wood - unknown
    The following text provides a conceptual and theoretical introduction to a collection of essays written by members of the multidisciplinary network of scholars, artists and cultural producers named ‘Poetics of Resistance’, which seeks to analyse and encourage discussion of the relationships between creativity, culture and political resistance, in the context of neoliberal globalization. The introduction also provides a critical glossary of a set of loosely interlinking keywords, following Raymond Williams, that mark points of encounter and departure between the approaches of (...)
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    Religion and Rational Theology.Allen W. Wood & George di Giovanni (eds.) - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume collects for the first time in a single volume all of Kant's writings on religion and rational theology. These works were written during a period of conflict between Kant and the Prussian authorities over his religious teachings. His final statement of religion was made after the death of King Frederick William II in 1797. The historical context and progression of this conflict are charted in the general introduction to the volume and in the translators' introductions to particular texts. (...)
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    Online communication as a window to conspiracist worldviews.Michael J. Wood & Karen M. Douglas - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Contra Heidegger.James Wood - 2010 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (1):221-247.
    This paper confronts Heidegger’s critique of Platonism and defends Plato as a productionist metaphysician. Heidegger misunderstands and abuses Platonic metaphysics. Rather than initiating the reification of being (Sein) in beings (das Seiende) and the subordination of nature to human control, as Heidegger accuses, Plato offers us a non-dogmatic metaphysics of human possibility oriented by and subordinated to being, conceived equally as the good and the beautiful. The relevant production constitutes the ethical counterpart of Platonic metaphysics: it is the responsible bringing (...)
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  37. Practical application.J. Michael Wood - 2011 - In Livia Kohn, Living authentically: Daoist contributions to modern psychology. Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press.
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    The Play of the Fourfolds.Robert E. Wood - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (3):219-228.
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    The secret of the universe.Nathan R. Wood - 1936 - Chicago, [etc]: Fleming H Revell co..
    The expression "Thy heavens" included for him that universe whose existence was demonstrated by the "Moon and the stars." Evidently it was a song composed..
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  40. The Theory of Forms in Plato's Late Dialogues.Richard James Wood - 1965 - Dissertation, Yale University
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    Viii.--New books.O. P. Wood - 1956 - Mind 65 (1):107-110.
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    For Love or Money? Fairtrade Business Models in the UK Supermarket Sector.Sally Smith - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):257 - 266.
    Sales in supermarkets have contributed greatly to growth in Fairtrade, but the literature suggests there may be tensions between Fairtrade principles and the commercial practices which characterise UK supermarket value chains. This article explores these tensions through an analysis of supermarket value chains for Fairtrade coffee, cocoa, bananas and fresh fruit. It finds considerable variation in UK supermarket approaches in terms of scale and scope of commitment to Fairtrade and in the nature of relationships with Fairtrade suppliers. In some cases (...)
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  43. Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities.David Bell & Gill Valentine (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Discover the truth about sex in the city (and the country). Mapping Desire explores the places and spaces of sexuality from body to community, from the "cottage" to the Barrio, from Boston to Jakarta, from home to cyberspace. Mapping Desire is the first book to explore sexualities from a geographical perspective. The nature of place and notions of space are of increasing centrality to cultural and social theory. Mapping Desires presents the rich and diverse world of contemporary sexuality, exploring how (...)
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    Reflections on the Appropriate Use of Unjustly Conferred Privilege.Sally Matthews - 2013 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 60 (135):23-41.
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    Business and Society in Transition.Donna J. Wood & Philip L. Cochran - 1992 - Business and Society 31 (1):1-7.
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    Homogeneous finite rings in characteristic 2n.Dan Saracino & Carol Wood - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 40 (1):11-28.
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    The next step in religion.Roy Wood Sellars - 1918 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    The Next Step in Religion: An Essay toward the Coming Renaissance is a classic religious essay by Roy Wood Sellars that examines christianity and humanism includes the following excerpt: More than people are consciously aware, a new view of the universe and of man's place in it is forming. It is forming in the laboratories of scientists, the studies of thinkers, the congresses of social workers, the assemblies of reformers, the studios of artists and, even more quietly, in the (...)
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  48. Causation does not explain contextuality.Sally Shrapnel & Fabio Costa - 2018 - Quantum 2:63.
    Realist interpretations of quantum mechanics presuppose the existence of elements of reality that are independent of the actions used to reveal them. Such a view is challenged by several no-go theorems that show quantum correlations cannot be explained by non-contextual ontological models, where physical properties are assumed to exist prior to and independently of the act of measurement. However, all such contextuality proofs assume a traditional notion of causal structure, where causal influence flows from past to future according to ordinary (...)
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  49. A Marxian approach to 'the problem of justice'.A. Wood - 1984 - Philosophica 33:9-32.
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    Effects of grouping and crowding on learning in isolation-reared adult rats.William E. Wood & William T. Greenough - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):65-67.
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